Destruction and redemption : the conduct of revealed religious violence in the contemporary era
Terrorism;Terrorism--Religious aspects;Terrorism--Prevention
Muir, Angus ; Ranstorp, Magnus ; Ranstorp, Magnus
University:University of St Andrews
Department:International Relations (School of)
关键词: Terrorism;    Terrorism--Religious aspects;    Terrorism--Prevention;   
Others  :  https://research-repository.st-andrews.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/10023/2799/AngusMuirPhDThesis.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y
来源: DR-NTU
【 摘 要 】
The finalquarter of the twentieth century saw the emergence of a variety ofsecurity threats, perhaps the most pernicious andleastunderstood of whichhas been therise of religiously motivated violence and terrorism. Whilea greatdeal has beenwritten onthis phenomenon, muchhas been in the formofindividualcase studies and those moreinclusiveexaminations whichhave beenoffereddealmore with the causes of religiousviolence and not the underlying processes ofjustificationand operational activity.Incaseswhere such an approachhas beenattempted these have beenconductedina cursoryfashion,presenting generalisations which are not necessarily valid across the entirespectrum of religious violence.Thepurpose of this thesis is to offer aholisticexaminationof violence within the three revealed religions(Judaism, ChristianityandIslam) inorder toestablish commonfeatures in the conduct of violence across the faithsand to provide aframeworkwhereby the ideologicaland operational processes and mechanisms canbeunderstood collectively rather than individually. In the process, a number of commonlyaccepted generalisations regarding religiously motivated violence willbemodified orchallenged.Themethod chosen consists of the identificationof a number ofkeycomponents common to all revealed violent groups, rangingfrom the formationof anideologywhichjustifiesviolence to the tactics that are employed, and these keycomponents are then used to examine the behaviourof three distinctgroup types. Thethree group types are represented by ten case studies, chosen to reflect the variety of grouptypes that haveexisted and continue to exist.Theobjectiveis to present abroadframeworkwhich will enable a greater understanding ofhowreligiously motivatedviolenceis justified both to internaland external audiences, the mannerinwhich thisviolenceisexpressed operationally, and the degree to which the course and trajectory ofgroup violence maybeanticipated.
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