The number of schools implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is continually rising with multiple policies focused on PBIS to address behavioral concerns in schools. Additional research is needed to analyze if PBIS is leading to desired local outcomes. This study analyzed the association between PBIS implementation and student problem behaviors. Data were collected from Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative’s (MIBLSI) School Climate Transformation Grant (SCTG) participating schools. The first research question asked if there was a statistically significant association between PBIS implementation as measured by the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Tier 1 percentage score and the rate of student problem behaviors as measured by office discipline referrals (ODR). Using the Pearson correlation coefficient, analyses revealed the association was not statistically significant. The second research question asked what the predictive validity of SWPBIS TFI Tier 1 percentage score and Tier 1 PBIS stage of implementation was on the rate of student problem behaviors. It was determined that the multiple regression analysis was not appropriate given a lack of linearity and homoscedasticity in the data set. Finally, the third research question asked if positive results could be generalized across demographic locales when Tier 1 PBIS is implemented with fidelity. Since findings for question one were not positive, this question was not addressed as planned. Results of this study indicate further research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of PBIS implementation on a reduction in ODRs and that the inclusion of additional variables would be beneficial to the analyses.
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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Implementation and Student Problem Behaviors: A Correlational Analysis