The Pharmacoepigenomics Informatics Pipeline and H-GREEN Hi-C Compiler: Discovering Pharmacogenomic Variants and Pathways with the Epigenome and Spatial Genome
Epigenome;Spatial Genome;Pharmacogenomics;Bioinformatics;Genomics;Genetic Testing;Genetics;Pharmacy and Pharmacology;Health Sciences;Science;Bioinformatics
Allyn-Feuer, AriSadee, Wolfgang ;
University of Michigan
关键词: Epigenome;    Spatial Genome;    Pharmacogenomics;    Bioinformatics;    Genomics;    Genetic Testing;    Genetics;    Pharmacy and Pharmacology;    Health Sciences;    Science;    Bioinformatics;   
Others  :  https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/145835/ariallyn_1.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship
【 摘 要 】

Over the last decade, biomedical science has been transformed by the epigenome and spatial genome, but the discipline of pharmacogenomics, the study of the genetic underpinnings of pharmacological phenotypes like drug response and adverse events, has not.Scientists have begun to use omics atlases of increasing depth, and inferences relating to the bidirectional causal relationship between the spatial epigenome and gene expression, as a foundational underpinning for genetics research.The epigenome and spatial genome are increasingly used to discover causative regulatory variants in the significance regions of genome-wide association studies, for the discovery of the biological mechanisms underlying these phenotypes and the design of genetic tests to predict them.Such variants often have more predictive power than coding variants, but in the area of pharmacogenomics, such advances have been radically underapplied.The majority of pharmacogenomics tests are designed manually on the basis of mechanistic work with coding variants in candidate genes, and where genome wide approaches are used, they are typically not interpreted with the epigenome. This work describes a series of analyses of pharmacogenomics association studies with the tools and datasets of the epigenome and spatial genome, undertaken with the intent of discovering causative regulatory variants to enable new genetic tests.It describes the potent regulatory variants discovered thereby to have a putative causative and predictive role in a number of medically important phenotypes, including analgesia and the treatment of depression, bipolar disorder, and traumatic brain injury with opiates, anxiolytics, antidepressants, lithium, and valproate, and in particular the tendency for such variants to cluster into spatially interacting, conceptually unified pathways which offer mechanistic insight into these phenotypes.It describes the Pharmacoepigenomics Informatics Pipeline (PIP), an integrative multiple omics variant discovery pipeline designed to make this kind of analysis easier and cheaper to perform, more reproducible, and amenable to the addition of advanced features.It described the successes of the PIP in rediscovering manually discovered gene networks for lithium response, as well as discovering a previously unknown genetic basis for warfarin response in anticoagulation therapy.It describes the H-GREEN Hi-C compiler, which was designed to analyze spatial genome data and discover the distant target genes of such regulatory variants, and its success in discovering spatial contacts not detectable by preceding methods and using them to build spatial contact networks that unite disparate TADs with phenotypic relationships.It describes a potential featureset of a future pipeline, using the latest epigenome research and the lessons of the previous pipeline.It describes my thinking about how to use the output of a multiple omics variant pipeline to design genetic tests that also incorporate clinical data.And it concludes by describing a long term vision for a comprehensive pharmacophenomic atlas, to be constructed by applying a variant pipeline and machine learning test design system, such as is described, to thousands of phenotypes in parallel.Scientists struggled to assay genotypes for the better part of a century, and in the last twenty years, succeeded.The struggle to predict phenotypes on the basis of the genotypes we assay remains ongoing.The use of multiple omics variant pipelines and machine learning models with omics atlases, genetic association, and medical records data will be an increasingly significant part of that struggle for the foreseeable future.

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