A Novel Approach to Fostering Next Generation Science Knowledge in Middle School Students: Introducing Double-Blinded Reviews in Classroom Formative Assessments.
Recent reform in K-12 science advocates for fostering a new type of integrated knowledge, where disciplinary ideas are learned through the practices of scientists and engineers. Moreover, when fostering this knowledge, the reform emphasizes the need to illuminate to students the practices of scientists and engineers and to promote learning by making learning relevant to students’ lives. This dissertation addresses the reform’s vision in the context of classroom formative assessments. An online assessment called the 4R Activity was designed and embedded in a middle school climate change curriculum. Similar to scientists and engineers, students in the 4R Activity built knowledge products by receiving and providing double-blinded reviews and using the reviews to revise their products. A mixed-methods approach was adopted to investigate: (a) students’ achievement outcomes before and after participating in the 4R Activity; (b) the quality of the products generated during the 4R Activity; and(c) students’ perspectives on different aspects of the 4R Activity. A fixed effects regression model was estimated to compare the achievement outcomes of the 4R Activity participants (N=173, intervention) to those who used a conventional formative assessment (N=226, control) within the same curriculum. The 4R Activity participants demonstrated achievement gains that were, on average, 2.2 times higher than that of the control group. Furthermore, in the 4R Activity the achievement gains were highest for traditionally underrepresented groups in the sciences (e.g., females, African Americans). Next, qualitative techniques were used to examine the patterns and characteristics of students’ artifacts (e.g., revised products, peer review) over three 4R Activity cycles. Findings revealed that over time students incorporated feedback to construct high quality knowledge products and provided comprehensive peer reviews. Twenty-two students’ perspectives on the 4R Activity were documented through semi-structured interviews. Students’ accounts revealed their awareness of connections between aspects of the 4R Activity and their interests (e.g., playing sports) as well as connections between the activity and the work of scientists and engineers. Together the studies showcase how a formative assessment resource can be used to promote learning, engage students in the practices of professionals and elicit students’ interests and experiences to inform further learning.
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A Novel Approach to Fostering Next Generation Science Knowledge in Middle School Students: Introducing Double-Blinded Reviews in Classroom Formative Assessments.