This qualitative descriptive study explored the research question ;;What do veteran and pre-service special education teachers believe are indispensable experiences when a student is learning to become a special education teacher?” Data were collected from veteran and pre-service special education teachers who work and study in a two-county rural area. Data were acquired through 58 open-ended surveys, six interviews, and the researcher’s own perceptions and experiences. The results reveal that according to the sample, pre-service special education teachers in a rural area should experience varying and multiple ongoing experiences in the clinical setting, be provided with an in-depth understanding of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process, understand how to administer assessments and how to use the data, and understand the importance of building relationships. Veteran teachers also identified experiences in working with parents and an understanding of how to work with paraprofessionals as indispensable experiences. This study has implications for pre-service special education programs.
【 预 览 】
Indispensable experiences: Preparing preservice teachers for the rigors of teaching special education in the rural setting