Directed Searches for Continuous Gravitational Waves from Spinning Neutron Stars in Binary Systems.
Gravitational waves;Low-mass X-ray binaries;Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory;Feedforward filtering;Continuous gravitational waves from neutron stars;Quantum optical squeezing;Astronomy;Physics;Science;Physics
Meadors, Grant DavidAdams, Fred C. ;
University of Michigan
关键词: Gravitational waves;    Low-mass X-ray binaries;    Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory;    Feedforward filtering;    Continuous gravitational waves from neutron stars;    Quantum optical squeezing;    Astronomy;    Physics;    Science;    Physics;   
Others  :  https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/110473/gmeadors_1.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship
【 摘 要 】

Gravitational wave detectors such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) seek to observe ripples in space predicted by General Relativity.Black holes, neutron stars, supernovae, the Big Bang and other sources can radiate gravitational waves.Original contributions to the LIGO effort are presented in this thesis: feedforward filtering, directed binary neutron star searches for continuous waves, and scientific outreach and education, as well as advances in quantum optical squeezing.Feedforward filtering removes extraneous noise from servo-controlled instruments.Filtering of the last science run, S6, improves LIGO;;s astrophysical range (+4.14% H1, +3.60% L1: +12% volume) after subtracting noise from auxiliary length control channels.This thesis shows how filtering enhances the scientific sensitivity of LIGO;;s data set during and after S6.Techniques for non-stationarity and verifying calibration and integrity may apply to Advanced LIGO.Squeezing is planned for future interferometers to exceed the standard quantum limit on noise from electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations; this thesis discusses the integration of a prototype squeezer at LIGO Hanford Observatory and impact on astrophysical sensitivity.Continuous gravitational waves may be emitted by neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binary systems such as Scorpius X-1.The TwoSpect directed binary search is designed to detect these waves.TwoSpect is the most sensitive of 4 methods in simulated data, projecting an upper limit of 4.23e-25 in strain, given a year-long data set at an Advanced LIGO design sensitivity of 4e-24 Hz^(-1/2).TwoSpect is also used on real S6 data to set 95% confidence upper limits (40 Hz to 2040 Hz) on strain from Scorpius X-1.A millisecond pulsar, X-ray transient J1751-305, is similarly considered.Search enhancements for Advanced LIGO are proposed.Advanced LIGO and fellow interferometers should detect gravitational waves in the coming decade.Methods in these thesis will benefit both the instrumental and analytical sides of observation.

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