Dynamic properties of solid waste are critical to reliably evaluate the seismic response of landfills. In this study, the dynamic properties of solid waste including shear wave velocity (Vs), small-strain shear modulus (Gmax), and normalized shear modulus (G/Gmax) reduction curve, were investigated in situ.Semi-empirical and empirical models for the Vs of municipal solid waste (MSW) were developed. The semi-empirical model is a more comprehensive model that aims to separately capture the effect of waste density and confining stress on the shear wave velocity of MSW. It was formulated using data generated from large-scale laboratory studies on reconstituted MSW. The empirical model has a simpler mathematical expression that is a function of depth only. The parameters of both models were derived by calibrating them against a total of 49 shear wave velocity profiles, including 13 Vs profiles that were generated in this study. The models can be used to estimate the Vs of MSW and to evaluate the seismic response of landfills.A field testing method to investigate the dynamic properties of solid waste was implemented in four landfills using the George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) facilities. Field investigations were performed at three MSW landfills, namely Austin Community Landfill (Texas), Lamb Canyon Sanitary Landfill (California), and Los Reales Landfill (Arizona). Field investigation was also conducted in a class I hazardous landfill, namely BKK Landfill. The field method was primarily aimed at evaluating shear wave and primary wave velocities as well as, for the first time, the shear modulus reduction curve of solid waste. The relationship between shear modulus and shearing strain was investigated by applying dynamic horizontal loads at the waste surface in a staged-loading sequence generated by a NEES mobile field shaker. The solid waste response was measured with buried arrays of three-component geophones. The testing method also allowed an assessment of the effect of confining stress and waste variability on the dynamic properties of solid waste. A model for normalized shear modulus reduction curves of solid waste was recommended based on field testing results.
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In-Situ Assessment of Linear and Nonlinear Dynamic Properties of Municipal Solid Waste.