The Cultural and Economic Composition of Late Hellenistic Upper Galilee:A Case Study of the Squatters at Tel Kedesh.
Archaeology;Near Eastern Studies;Poverty - Ancient;Maccabees;Archeology;Josephus;Classical Studies;History (General);Humanities (General);Judaic Studies;Middle Eastern;Near Eastern and North African Studies;Humanities;Near Eastern Studies
Winger, Justin ThomasVan Dam, Raymond H. ;
University of Michigan
关键词: Archaeology;    Near Eastern Studies;    Poverty - Ancient;    Maccabees;    Archeology;    Josephus;    Classical Studies;    History (General);    Humanities (General);    Judaic Studies;    Middle Eastern;    Near Eastern and North African Studies;    Humanities;    Near Eastern Studies;   
Others  :  https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/91463/Winger-Diss_final.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y
来源: The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship
【 摘 要 】

In 1999 a large building was discovered at Tel Kedesh that had been the administrativecenter for northern Upper Galilee in the Persian, Ptolemaic, and Seleucid periods. Thebuilding had been partially destroyed and abandoned around 143 BCE, a date thatcorresponds remarkably well with 1 Maccabees’ account of the defeat of the Seleucidarmy by the Hasmonaeans (1 Maccabees 11:62-74). Approximately 5 years later it wasrepurposed for domestic use and inhabited by an otherwise unknown group of people(;;the Squatters”) whose material culture was very different from both that of thePersian/Hellenistic Administrative Building (PHAB) and that of the Late HellenisticStuccoed Building, a villa at Tel Anafa, ca. 12 km northeast of Kedesh that was beingbuilt at the same time that the Squatters were living in the administrative building. Manyof the Squatter vessels came from Lower Galilee and represent shapes that have parallelsat Jerusalem, Shechem, Pella, Gamla, and Khirbet esh-Shuhara; they also suggestsouthern potting traditions. This dissertation explores the possibility that the Squatters atTel Kedesh could have been Jews settled by Jonathan after his defeat of Demetrius II (orGalileans who migrated northward) within the context of academic debates over earlyHasmonaean annexation of and Jewish expansion into Galilee (i.e., prior to 103 BCE). Ituses the data from Kedesh to explore important questions about social changes broughtabout by the decline of Seleucid power and the consequent rise of autonomous ;;states”on the eve of Roman annexation of the Eastern Mediterranean. On a more theoreticallevel it raises questions about the degree to which we can equate material remains withactual cultures in history (;;Do pots equal people?”), issues of identity in antiquity(individual, group, ethnic, religious, and cultural), and intercultural relations andeconomic transactions in border regions. In synthesizing the above analyses it concludesthat the Squatters were most likely the dispossessed urban poor of the city of Kedesh andexposes the ubiquitous but previously unstudied phenomenon of people making homes inabandoned urban buildings in antiquity.

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