Galaxy clusters can be used as a sensitive probe for cosmology. A large cluster catalog that extends to high redshift with well measured masses is indispensable for precisely constrainingcosmological parameters. Detecting clusters in optical bands is very efficient. Multi-color CCD photometry allows combined detection and redshift estimation for clusters across broad redshift ranges. However, the lack of precise information about galaxy positions along the line of sight leads to contamination by projection, whichplagues both cluster detection and the measurement of their properties. The dominance of red sequence galaxies, tightly clustered along the E/S0 ridgeline, provides a powerful method forde-projecting field galaxies.We developed an Error Corrected Gaussian Mixture Model to fit the galaxies;; color distribution around clusters by taking into account the measurement errors. By this technique, we can detect the red sequence color clustering and extract unbiased information about the evolution of the red sequence ridgeline and its width. Precision measurements of ridgelines yields better estimates of cluster richness and possibly their dynamical state, leading to better estimates of cluster mass.By using the red sequence clustering in color space identified from the Error Corrected Gaussian Mixture Model, together with theprojected NFW filter in the projected RA/DEC plane, we developed a new and efficient cluster finding algorithm that can reliably detectgalaxy clusters across the redshift range from 0.1 to 1.4. We have also run the cluster finder on legacy SDSS DR7 data and assembled anapproximately volume limited cluster catalog across redshifts from 0.1 to 0.5. The algorithm has been tested against a Monte Carlo mockcatalog, showing the identified clusters are highly complete and pure.With the completion of this thesis, we build the first and essential step towards precision cluster cosmology. Meanwhile, the large optical cluster catalog across a wide redshift range makes possible the systematic and detailed investigation of cluster formation and evolution.
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Optical Galaxy Cluster Detection across a Wide Redshift Range.