Energy Emissions Mitigation Using Green Roofs: Probabilistic Analysis andIntegration in Market-Based Clean Air Policies.
Green Roofs;Multimedia Model;Market-based Policy;Vegetated Roofs;Energy Emissions Management;Civil and Environmental Engineering;Natural Resources and Environment;Engineering;Science;Environmental Engineering and Natural Resources and Enviro
Clark, Corrie ElizabethRowe, Bradley ;
University of Michigan
关键词: Green Roofs;    Multimedia Model;    Market-based Policy;    Vegetated Roofs;    Energy Emissions Management;    Civil and Environmental Engineering;    Natural Resources and Environment;    Engineering;    Science;    Environmental Engineering and Natural Resources and Enviro;   
Others  :  https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/58387/clarkce_1.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship
【 摘 要 】

Our urban infrastructure systems are stressed. The decay of water infrastructure isspurring demand for innovative solutions for stormwater management. Concurrently, thetransition of predominantly coal-based utilities to renewable portfolios is slow, resultingin continuing adverse health impacts from air pollution. The need for emissionsmanagement and resilient water infrastructure in cities will further increase as the world’spopulation continues to move to urban centers.This dissertation explores the technical, economic, and policy opportunities forvegetated roofs as one solution to stormwater and energy emissions management. Theobjective was to explore policy strategies to integrate green roofs into emissionsmanagement using quantitative economic and physical-chemical modeling tools.A net present value (NPV) approach was used to compare the cost of aconventional roof to a green roof accounting for benefits for stormwater, air pollution,and building energy conservation. Results indicated that, while a green roof costs 39percent more initially, the 40-year NPV is 23 to 30 percent less mainly due to energysavings and potential health benefits from air pollution reduction. The impact ofstormwater fees was minimal.The benefit of green roofs to improve air quality is novel, and had to date notbeen explored quantitatively. A probabilistic, fugacity-based fate and transport model,SEDUM (Sequestering Emissions: Designable Uptake Model), was developed to assessthe uptake of reactive nitrogen species (NO2, NO, and HNO3). The model estimates uptake by vegetation and soil media, which were compared with dry deposition modelresults and water quality data. Under polluted conditions, a mean removal rate of 0.20 ±0.01 kgNO2/m2/y was estimated using SEDUM. For a 2,000 m2 roof, this translates into ahealth benefit between $640 and $2426 per year. Design parameters that impact pollutantuptake were identified.Analysis of current stormwater and air quality policies showed that market-basedincentives can close the cost differential once both stormwater and air quality incentivesare considered. This work was sufficiently robust to demonstrate the economic andemissions mitigation potential to be included in best available control technology(BACT) consideration. Yet, market-based policy incentives are currently insufficient forwidespread adoption.

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