A combined end-to-end electrothermal chemical gun model is presented. An elec-trothermal chemical gun is a conventional artillery piece in which the solid propellantignition system is replaced by a plasma source. Igniting a solid propellant with aplasma leads to many enhancements in performance, including reduced and highlyrepeatable ignition delay time, loss of temperature sensitivity to ignition time, andincreased muzzle exit velocity at cold and ambient temperatures. These enhance-ments allow an electrothermally ignited round to be ¯red near the gun design limitsat a wide range of ambient conditions.The combined end-to-end electrothermal chemical gun model consists of fourmajor submodels: a capillary plasma generator model; a plasma-air chemistry com-putational °uid dynamics model; a coupled ablation-thermal model for simulationof the plasma-propellant interaction; and a collisional plasma sheath model for de-termination of the convective heat °ux from the plasma to the propellant bed. The primary focus of this work is the modeling of the plasma-propellant interaction. Athorough understanding of the physics of the plasma-propellant interaction is con-sidered one of the key elements to the success of practical electrothermal chemicalgun implementation.The major contributions to the ¯eld of electrothermal chemical gun modelingoutlined in this work include: the development of a plasma-air chemistry model forelectrothermal chemical gun application; simulations demonstrating the importanceof plasma-air chemistry in electrothermal chemical gun experimental geometries; thedevelopment of a plasma-propellant interaction model for determination of the totalheat °ux reaching the propellant bed; and the development of a collisional plasmasheath model for determination of the convective heat °ux reaching the propellantbed.
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An End-To-End Model of an Electrothermal Chemical Gun.