Terahertz Time-domain Reflectrometry of Multilayered Systems.
Terahertz Imaging;Terahertz Spectrscopy;Thermal Barrier Coatings;Nondestructive Evaluation;Dendrochronology;Multi-spectral Imaging of Frescoes;Arts;Engineering;Science;Applied Physics
Jackson, J. BiancaYalisove, Steven M. ;
University of Michigan
关键词: Terahertz Imaging;    Terahertz Spectrscopy;    Thermal Barrier Coatings;    Nondestructive Evaluation;    Dendrochronology;    Multi-spectral Imaging of Frescoes;    Arts;    Engineering;    Science;    Applied Physics;   
Others  :  https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/61752/jbjz_1.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship
【 摘 要 】

Presented in this work are applications of terahertz pulse ranging, spectroscopy and imaging to the nondestructive evaluation of three disparate multilayer systems for the detection and measurement of hidden layers, as well as the extraction of system information that will aid in its maintenance, repair or replacement.Thermal protection systems for turbine engine components were investigated.Thermal barrier coatings (TBC) and thermally-grown oxide (TGO) thicknesses were determined with 10 micron resolution using time-of-flight and refractive index calculations.Two alternative methods of monitoring TGO growth using reflection amplitudes and spectral shifts were proposed for the prediction of TBC failure.Laser-machined defects as narrow as 50 microns were resolved in one- and two-dimensional images.The light and dark rings of trees, which reflect the changes in tree growth density over the course of a year, are measurable using pulsed terahertz beams.Tree-rings of bare and painted wood specimen were laterally and axially tomographically imaged in order to facilitate the dendrochronological cross-dating of artifacts.Comparisons were made between photographs and terahertz images to demonstrate the reliability of the technique.Historically, numerous unique artworks have been lost through the act of being covered over time.Samples of paintings, drawings and mosaics were imaged beneath layers of paint and plaster using pulsed-terahertz techniques to demonstrate the efficacy of the technique for art history and restoration.Sketch materials and pigments were measured, between 0.05 and 1.0 THz, to help identify colors in spectroscopic images.Other computational and processing methods were used to optimize the distinction between color domains.Additional time-domain terahertz applications for the examination of artwork and other artifacts were proposed.

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