Background: People living with HIV are living longer and are more likely to die from chronicconditions than other causes, many of which are associated with cigarette smoking. People livingwith HIV also have a higher prevalence of cigarette smoking. Smoking cessation strategies aretherefore an important area of research to focus on, but female smokers with HIV are an understudiedpopulation.Objectives: To compare the prevalence and effectiveness of smoking cessation methods anddetermine characteristics associated with sustained (6-12-month) smoking cessation amongwomen with and at risk for HIV.Methods: We used data from the Women’s Interagency HIV Study (WIHS), the largest ongoingprospective cohort study of HIV among women in the United States, to study smoking cessationmethods among female smokers with HIV.Analysis: We compared incidence of sustained smoking cessation among women who tried toquit smoking in the WIHS, and used a generalized linear model using Poisson regression todetermine characteristics associated with sustained smoking cessation.Results: The proportion of women achieving 6-12 month sustained smoking cessation washighest among those using self-help interventions (36%), other pharmacological aids such asChantix, Wellbutrin, and Bupropion (35%), quitting ;;on her own” (35%), and quitting ;;coldturkey” (32%). The most prevalent method cited was nicotine replacement therapy.Characteristics associated with achieving 6-12-month sustained smoking cessation includedfewer number of cigarettes smoked prior to quitting, fewer years smoked prior to quitting, having her own place of residence, and higher self-rated health, regardless of which smoking cessationmethod used.Conclusions: Smoking history, residence, and higher self-rated health are associated withachieving sustained smoking cessation among women in the WIHS. Self-directed smokingcessation therapies, like self-help interventions and quitting ;;cold turkey”, and nicotinereplacement therapy are methods with the highest proportion of 6-12-month sustained smokingcessation among women who reported using them.
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The Association between Smoking Cessation Method and Sustained Smoking Cessation in the Women’s Interagency HIV Study, 2008-2016