Phytoplankton composition and production in Navigation Pool No. 8 of the Upper Mississippi River
Mississippi River;Freshwater phytoplankton;Mississippi River.
Lange, Theodore RussellRada, Ronald ;
University of Wisconsin
关键词: Mississippi River;    Freshwater phytoplankton;    Mississippi River.;   
Others  :  https://minds.wisconsin.edu/bitstream/handle/1793/56756/LangeTheodore1988.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: University of Wisconsin
【 摘 要 】

Phytoplankton community structure and primary production were studied in main channel, side channel, and backwater habitats of Navigation PoolNo. 8 of the Upper Mississippi River from 14 June to 1 November 1986. Community composition, total standing crops, and net primary productionwere similar among habitats.

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