The 3 walking conditions compared in this research were: walking with noweights (NW), walking with walking sticks (WS) and walking with 2 lbshand weights (HW). Active males from 20-31 yrs old volunteered for thestudy (N-21). Each S was randomly assigned the order in which theywould take the tests. The physiological variables compared between the3 groups were: ventilation (VE), absolute oxygen consumption (AOC),relative oxygen consumption (ROC), respiratory exchange ratio (RER),heart rate (HR), rating of perceived exertion - general (RPEg) and arms(RPEa), systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). A one wayanalysis of variance with repeated measures was performed on the data.The physiological variables that resulted in sig F-ratios (E< .05) wereanalysed using a Scheffe;; post-hoc test. The Scheffe;; post-hoc testidentified where the diffs were between the 3 test groups. The Scheffe;;post-hoc test revealed that the following variables were sig higher(E < .05) when NW was compared to WS: VE, AOC, ROC, RER, HR, RPEa andSBP. The Scheffe;; post-hoc test further revealed that the followingvariables were sig lower (2 < .05) when Nl; was compared to HW: VE, AOC,ROC, RER, HR, RPEa, SBP and DBP. The Scheffe;; post-hoc test alsorevealed that the RPEa was sig higher (E < .05) with WS than when theywalked with HW.
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A comparison between three different submaximal walking conditions