Monitoring training loads during continuous exercise has been validated, however giventhe importance of interval training, this method (RPE * duration) has not been validatedduring interval training of different durations. Twelve well trained individuals (m = 6,f = 6) performed an incremental cycle ergometer test to failure and four randomly ordered30 min tests on a Icde cycle. The four tests were steady state, 30-sec. I-min, and 2-min.with a work relief ratio of 1:1. Workloads were calculated according to the individualanaerobic thresliold (IAT) and physiological variables (HR, RPE, BLa, and VO2) weremeasured every 10-min. RPE was also acquired 30-min after the exercise bout andmultiplied by the duration to obtain a session RPE score. Heart rate data were collectedfrom a Polar Heart Rate Monitor and a summated HR score was calculated. All of thephysiological variables behaved similarly during interval training and steady statetraining by rising from rest to 10-min and then leveling off. The session RPE score andsummatcd HR score were compared and found to be closely related suggesting that thesummated I-IR score and session RPE are essentially the same. In conclusion, the sessionI
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The effect of different interval durations on measures of exercise intensity