Previous studies with a variety of populations have demonstrated that the ventilatorythreshold is closely associated with the highest exercise intensity at which subjects mayspeak comfortably, the Talk Test (TT). These studies have all been conducted usingincremental exercise sessions rather than stochastic exercise sessions. In this study, therelationship between the TT and ventilatory threshold during stochastic exercise wasevaluated. Subjects @J=18) performed incremental exercise with gas exchange to defineVT. Following the initial test, subjects performed the same incremental test with the TT(Pledge of Allegiance). The last two tests were 30-minute stochastic exercise sessionswith gas exchange and then with the TT. The subjects ability to speak during stochasticexercise matched expected responses relatively well: (vs VO2 as %VT, 73%), (vs V02 atlast positive (LP) stage of the TT, 75%), (vs HR at VT, 69%), (vs HR at LP, 66%), (vs Brat VT, 51%), and (vs Brat LP, 39%). The results suggest that the TT is a good measure ofintensity during stochastic exercise, although not as good as predicted from previousstudies based on incremental exercise.
【 预 览 】
Relationship between the talk test and ventilatory threshold during stochastic exercise