Additive manufacturing (AM) enables freedom of design, part complexity and customizationwith minimal added cost, light weighting, design for function, and part consolidation. It isgaining increasing interests in the fields of biomedical, aerospace, automotive, tooling, and heatexchange systems where small batch productions of customized parts with high value are usuallyin demand. AM, in general, is considered to have great potential in complementing conventionalmanufacturing methods. Functional parts with high strength to weight ratio generated usingstructural topology optimization can be eventually realized by AM. Limitations of AM partsrelated to surface finish and dimensional accuracy are likely to be overcome by post-machiningof critical features and surfaces in order to achieve specific tolerance and surface quality. Tominimize trial and error efforts, AM and post-machining simulations are essential for effectiveplanning of the synergized processes. The goal of this study is to propose a process workflowwhich can be used as a guideline for successful production of complex parts manufactured viaAM, particularly laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), and post-processed via CNC (computernumerical control) machining. The workflow is deployed and iterated through a case study ofmanufacturing a surgical navigation tracker, where the holistic manufacturing process involvesdigital design utilizing structural topology optimization, AM simulation, machining planning,fabrication, and validation.
【 预 览 】
Synergy in Additive Manufacturing and Machining of Complex Design Topologies