Towards many-body physics with Rydberg-dressed cavity polaritons
Kong, Hyeranadvisor:Resch, Kevin ; affiliation1:Faculty of Science ; Resch, Kevin ;
University of Waterloo
关键词: Master Thesis;   
Others  :  https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/bitstream/10012/13348/3/Kong_Hyeran.pdf
来源: UWSPACE Waterloo Institutional Repository
【 摘 要 】
An exciting frontier in quantum information science is the creation and manipulation ofbottom-up quantum systems that are built and controlled one by one. For the past 30years, we have witnessed signi cant progresses in harnessing strong atom- eld interactionsfor critical applications in quantum computation, communication, simulation, and metrology.By extension, we can envisage a quantum network consisting of material nodes coupledtogether with in nite-dimensional bosonic quantum channels. In this context, therehas been active research worldwide to achieve quantum optical circuits, for which singleatoms are wired by freely-propagating single photons through the circuit elements. For allthese systems, the system-size expansion with atoms and photons results in a fundamentalpathologic scaling that linearizes the very atom- eld interaction, and signi cantly limitsthe degree of non-classicality and entanglement in analog atom- eld quantum systems foratom number N 1.The long-term motivation of this MSc thesis is (i) to discover new physical mechanismsthat extend the inherent scaling behavior of atom- eld interactions and (ii) todevelop quantum optics toolkits that design dynamical gauge structures for the realizationof lattice-gauge-theoretic quantum network and the synthesis of novel quantum opticallygauged materials. The basic premise is to achieve the strong coupling regime for a quantummany-body material system interacting with the quantizedelds of an optical cavity. Ourlaboratory e ort can be described as the march towards many-body QED,;; where optical elds acquire some properties of the material interactions that constrain their dynamicalprocesses, as with quantumeld theories. While such an e ort currently do not exist elsewhere,we are convicted that our work will become an essential endeavor to enable cavityquantum electrodynamics (QED) in the bona- de regime of quantum many-body physicsin this entanglement frontier.In this context, I describe an example in Chapter 2 that utilizes strong RydbergRydberginteractions to design dynamical gauge structures for the quantum square icemodels. Quantum uctuations driven by cavity-mediated in nite-range interaction stabilizethe quantum-gauged system into a long-range entangled quantum spin liquid that maybe detected through the time-ordered photoelectric statistics for photons leaking out of thecavity. Fractionalized spinon;; and vison;; excitations can be manipulated for topologicalquantum computation, and the emergent photons of arti cial QED in our lattice gaugetheoretic system can be directly measured and studied.The laboratory challenge towards strongly coupled cavity Rydberg polaritons encompassesthree daunting research milestones that push the technological boundaries beyond of the state-of-the-arts. In Chapter 3, I discuss our extreme-high-vacuum chamber (XHV)cluster system that allows the world's lowest operating vacuum environment P ' 10Torr for an ultracold AMO experiment with long background-limited trap lifetimes. InChapter 4, I discuss our ultrastable laser systems stabilized to the ultra-low-expansionoptical cavities. Coupled with a scalableeld-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) digitalanalogcontrol system, we can manipulate arbitrarily the phase-amplitude relationship ofseveral dozens of laserelds across 300 nm to 1550 nm at mHz precision. In Chapter 5,we discuss the quantum trajectory simulations for manipulating the external degrees offreedom of ultracold atoms with external laserelds. Electrically tunable liquid crystallens creates a dynamically tunable optical trap to move the ultracold atomic gases overlong distance within the ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) chamber system.In Chapter 6, I discuss our collaborative development of two science cavity platforms{ the Rydberg;; quantum dot and the many-body QED platforms. An important developmentwas the research into new high-index IBS materials, where we have utilized ourlow-loss optical mirrors for extending the world's highest cavitynesse F 500k! We discussthe unique challenges of implementing optical cavity QED for Rydberg atoms, whichrequired tremendous degrees of electromagnetic shielding andeld control. Single-crystalSapphire structure, along with Angstrom-level diamond-turned Ti blade electrodes, is utilizedfor theeld compensation and extinction by > 60 dB. Single-crystal PZTs on silicaV-grooves are utilized for the stabilization of the optical cavity with length uncertainty lessthan 1=100 of a single nucleon, along with extreme level of vibration isolation in a XHVenvironment. The capability to perform in-situ RF plasma cleaning allows the regenerationof optical mirrors when coated with a few Cs atoms. Lastly but not the least, we combinesingle-atom resolution quantum gas microscopy technique with superpixel holographic algorithmto project arbitrary real-time recon gurable di raction-limited optical potentiallandscapes for the preparation of low-entropy atom arrays.
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