A process-based stable isotope approach to carbon cycling in recently flooded upland boreal forest reservoirs
Earth Sciences;reservoirs;greenhouse gases;stable isotopes;carbon dioxide;methane
Venkiteswaran, Jason
University of Waterloo
关键词: Earth Sciences;    reservoirs;    greenhouse gases;    stable isotopes;    carbon dioxide;    methane;   
Others  :  https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/bitstream/10012/1238/1/jjvenkiteswaran2002.pdf
来源: UWSPACE Waterloo Institutional Repository
【 摘 要 】

Reservoirs impound and store large volumes of water and flood land.The water is used for electricity generation, irrigation, industrial and municipal consumption, flood control and to improve navigation.The decomposition of flooded soil and vegetation creates greenhouse gases and thus reservoirs are a source of greenhouse gases.Reservoirs are not well studied for greenhouse gas flux from the water to the atmosphere.The FLooded Upland Dynamics EXperiment (FLUDEX) involves the creation of three experimental reservoirs in the upland boreal forest to study greenhouse gas and mercury dynamics. The balance of biological processes, decomposition, primary production, CH4 oxidation and the nitrogen cycle in the reservoirs controls the greenhouse gas flux from the reservoir to the atmosphere.Understanding the importance and controlling factors of these processes is vital to understanding the sources and sinks of greenhouse gases within reservoirs. The carbon and oxygen dynamics near the sediment-water interface are very important to the entire reservoir because many processes occur in this area.Light and dark benthic chambers were deployed, side-by-side, to determine the benthic flux of DIC and CH4 across the sediment-water interface and to determine the role of benthic photoautotrophs in benthic DIC, CH4 and O2 cycling.Benthic chambers have shown photoautotrophs use the decomposing soil, rocks and exposed bedrock as a physical substrate to colonize and the CO2 produced by the decomposing soil as a carbon source since the delta13C-DIC value of the DIC added to light chambers is enriched relative to dark chambers and net photosynthesis rates are linked to community respiration.Benthic photoautotrophs consume 15-33% of the potential DIC flux into the water column.CH4 produced by the decomposition of soils is partially oxidized by methanotrophs that use the photosynthetically produced oxygen.The delta13C-CH4 values of the CH4 added to light chambers is enriched relative to dark chambers and 15-88% of the potential CH4 flux into the water column is oxidized. An isotope-mass budget for DIC and CH4 is presented for each reservoir to identify the importance of processes on areservoir scale.Input of DIC to the reservoirs from overland flow can be important because concentration is greater and delta13C-DIC values are depleted relative to inflow from Roddy Lake.Estimates of total reservoir primary production indicate that 3-19% of the total DIC production from decomposition is removed by photoautotrophs.The carbon cycling in biofilm and the importance of periphytic primary production needs to be better understood. Dissolved delta13C-CH4 values of CH4 in reservoir outflow enriched 45-60permil, indicating that CH4 oxidation was an important CH4 sink within the reservoirs.Stable carbon isotope data indicates that the CH4 in the bubbles is partially oxidized so the site of bubble formation is the upper portion of the flooded soil.The fraction of CH4 converted to CO2 in the FLUDEX reservoirs is similar to that of the wetland flooded for the Experimental Lakes Area Reservoir Project (ELARP).Approximately half of the dissolved CH4 in the FLUDEX reservoirs was removedby CH4 oxidation.The ebullitive flux of CH4 from FLUDEX reservoirs is reduced 25-75% by CH4 oxidation.The CH4 flux to the atmosphere from peat surface of the ELARP reservoir became less oxidized after flooding: 91% to 85% oxidized.The floating peat islands of the ELARP reservoir were less oxidized than the peat surface.Similar to the CH4 in the FLUDEX reservoirs, CH4 in the ELARP peat islands was oxidized 56%.CH4 oxidation is an important process because it reduces the global warming potential of the greenhouse gas flux since CO2 is less radiatively active than CH4.

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