A Privacy-Friendly Architecture for Mobile Social Networking Applications
privacy;mobile social applications;social networks;Computer Science
Pidcock, Sarah Nancy
University of Waterloo
关键词: privacy;    mobile social applications;    social networks;    Computer Science;   
Others  :  https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/bitstream/10012/7229/1/Pidcock_Sarah.pdf
来源: UWSPACE Waterloo Institutional Repository
【 摘 要 】

The resources and localization abilities available in modern smartphones have provided ahuge boost to the popularity of location-based applications. In these applications, userssend their current locations to a central service provider and can receive content or anenhanced experience predicated on their provided location. Privacy issues with location-based applications can arise from a central entity being able to store large amounts ofinformation about users (e.g., contact information, attributes) and locations (e.g., availablebusinesses, users present). We propose an architecture for a privacy-friendly location hubto encourage the development of mobile location-based social applications with privacy-preserving features. Our primary goal is to store information such that no entity in ourarchitecture can link a user’s identity to her location. We also aim to decouple storing datafrom manipulating data for social networking purposes. Other goals include designing anarchitecture flexible enough to support a wide range of use cases and avoiding considerableclient-side computation.Our architecture consists of separate server components for storing information aboutusers and storing information about locations, as well as client devices and optional com-ponents in the cloud for supporting applications. We describe the design of API functionsexposed by the server components and demonstrate how they can be used to build somesample mobile location-based social applications. A proof-of-concept implementation isprovided with in-depth descriptions of how each function was realized, as well as experi-ments examining the practicality of our architecture. Finally, we present two real-worldapplications developed on the Android platform to demonstrate how these applicationswork from a user’s perspective.

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