This thesis addresses the cause and the extent of sprawl in China, how to deal with sprawlusing smart growth in official plans. Sprawl is ;;haphazard growth or outward extensionof a city resulting from uncontrolled or poorly managed development” (Merriam-Websterdictionary). The importance of dealing with sprawl is realized when one considersnegative impacts of sprawl, including traffic congestion, air and water pollution, loss ofnatural habitat and farmland, a fiscal and social crisis in the cities, and inability of publicservices to keep pace with suburban growth. Despite the great potential of using NorthAmerica’s smart growth to deal with China’s sprawl, it is very important to bear in mindthe different situation in North America and China, such as the difference in thedevelopment pattern, transportation modes, living philosophy, land policy, and fiscalstimulation. This research examines how much of the smart growth is being implementedin Xuzhou’s Official Plan and what obstacles prevent some principles of smart growthfrom being used.This research concludes that Chinese current policy and economic climate are favourableto the implementation of smart growth. Although some principles of smart growth havebeen embodied in official plans and planning policies, this research has illustrated thatthere are several challenges that planners and municipal leaders face in relation to thecreation of a range of housing opportunities and choices, to the fostering distinctive andattractive communities with a strong sense of place, to the preservation of open space andfarmland, to the establishment of cost-effective development decisions. Finally, theresearch identifies several recommendations to implement smart growth in China. Thesignificance of this study for the planning profession is that by identifying opportunitiesand challenges to deal with sprawl using smart growth in China’ context, planners will bebetter able to formulate strategies, especially at the official plan level, that implementsmart growth by targeting sprawl that currently impedes cities’ sustainable development.Through implementing smart growth, cities in China will be able to cope with growthwhile maintaining a high quality of life and fulfilling the goal of balanced environmental,social, economic, and land use priorities.
【 预 览 】
The Evaluation of the Implementation of Smart Growth in Chinese Official Plans: a case study of Xuzhou City, China