Channel sharing is known as a unique solution to satisfy the increasingdemand for the spectral-efficient communication. In the channelsharing technique, several users concurrently communicate througha shared wireless medium. In such a scheme, the interference ofusers over each other is the main source of impairment. The taskof performance evaluation and signaling design in the presence ofsuch interference is known as a challenging problem. In thisthesis, a system including $n$ parallel interfering AWGNtransmission paths is considered, where the power of thetransmitters are subject to some upper-bounds. For such a system,we obtain a closed form for the boundaries of the rate regionbased on the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue of some non-negativematrices. While the boundary of the rate region for the case ofunconstrained power is a well-established result, this is thefirst result for the case of constrained power. This result isutilized to develop an efficient user removal algorithm forcongested networks. In these networks, it may not be possible forall users to attain a required Quality of Service (QoS). In thiscase, the solution is to remove some of the users from the set ofactive ones. The problem of finding the set of removed users withthe minimum cardinality is claimed to be an NP-complete problem. In this thesis, a novel sub-optimal removalalgorithm is proposed, which relies on the derived boundary of therate region in the first part of the thesis. Simulation resultsshow that the proposed algorithm outperforms other known schemes.
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Characterization of Rate Region and User Removal in Interference Channels with Constrained Power