Parallax is integral to the conception of movement inmodern architectural space. This research examines the roleof architectural parallax in creating dynamic spaces thatchampion the primacy of perception to reinforce a conceptualnarrative. The study is contextualized in the cinematic contextof Miami Beach to understand the dynamic quality of itspublic spaces. An analysis of these spaces studies the role ofparallax in reinforcing the city’s scopophiliac meta-narrativeof Seeing and being Seen. A final design project is situatedwithin the shifting sociocultural context of Miami Beachtoday as it strives to reinvent itself into a cultural destinationfor the high Arts. The chosen site is a historically significantsite that has remained as a municipal parking lot for over 70years, and may not be developed for commercial purposes.The design proposes Collins Cultural Center that draws fromthe exhibitionist Beach culture of the city and fuses it with thehigh Arts culture. The aim is to use parallax as an architecturalstrategy to create a dynamic space for cultural production andexchange. Reframing the cultural imagination of residents andvisitors fuels Miami Beach’s momentum towards becoming afuture cultural destination for the Arts.
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Bodies in Parallax: Reframing the Cultural Experience of Miami Beach