Analysis of biomimetics in the application of robotic locomotion with a focus on structures, materials and dynamics
Mechanical Engineering.
Miller, Ari Parsons ; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Others  :  http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/69517/775781397-MIT.pdf?sequence=2
来源: MIT Theses in DSpace@MIT
【 摘 要 】
Biomimetics is the study and analysis of natural systems to inform engineering design and technology development. Through interdisciplinary research and analysis of natural phenomena, engineers are able to gain valuable insight to drive efficient and robust innovation. A critical understanding of nature;;s design constraints is necessary to effectively create an optimized bio-inspired design. A literature review of bio-inspired design is conducted with a focus on structures, dynamics and materials in the context of robotic locomotion. The biomimetic process in the read literature is analyzed for procedure and accomplishment. A generalized method of biomimetics is presented, based on the studied work. It is concluded that successful biomimetics requires four key elements: (1) a clear understanding of the natural system, gained through depth of biological study, (2) the development of a simplified model that encompasses the core elements of the natural system, (3) the design of a synthetic system that meets the model;;s specifications, and (4) engineering optimization to improve the final design.
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