Land Cover Change and Conversions : Methodology and Results for OECD and G20 Countries
Ivan Haščiči ; Alexander Mackiei iOECD
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
关键词: ecosystems;    Earth observation;    land cover;    satellite data;    habitat loss;    biodiversity;    remote sensing;   
DOI  :  https://doi.org/10.1787/72a9e331-en
来源: OECD iLibrary
【 摘 要 】

Changes in the biophysical characteristics of natural habitats – that can be measured with data on land cover – are the best proxy to monitor pressures on ecosystems and biodiversity. This paper presents a suite of indicators that track land cover change over time in a globally consistent manner. The indicators, including an OECD Green Growth headline indicator, represent the Organisation's most recent effort to monitor pressures on ecosystems and biodiversity, using state-of-the-art data and techniques. Results are presented for OECD and G20 countries over 1992-2015 using global multi-period datasets.

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