Interactions Between Monetary and Fiscal Policy : How Monetary Conditions Affect Fiscal Consolidation
Rudiger Ahrend ; Pietro Catte ; Robert Price
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
关键词: fiscal stance;    financial markets;    interest rate;    fiscal consolidation;    monetary policy;    quality of fiscal adjustment;    monetary conditions;    central bank;    policy co-ordination;    fiscal adjustment;    fiscal policy;   
DOI  :  https://doi.org/10.1787/414663503428
来源: OECD iLibrary
【 摘 要 】

This paper assesses how and in what circumstances, fiscal consolidations are affected by monetary conditions, using data covering 24 OECD countries over the past 25 years, Focusing on fiscal consolidation “episodes”, it is found that these tend to occur when large budget deficits threaten sustainability and usually when other macroeconomic indicators -- inflation, the exchange rate and unemployment -- suggest a “crisis” situation. After controlling for these factors, the paper finds strong econometric evidence that consolidation efforts are more likely to be pursued and to succeed if the monetary policy stance is eased in the initial stages of the episode, thus contributing to offsetting the contractionary impact of fiscal tightening. However, the link is far from mechanical and there are also counter-examples where monetary easing was followed by aborted consolidation efforts. Central bank independence explicitly precludes direct responses of monetary policy to fiscal actions. However, the paper also provides evidence that the indirect reaction of monetary policy and financial markets to fiscal consolidation may be influenced by the quality of fiscal adjustment, as short and long-term interest rates are more likely to fall during episodes characterised by greater reliance on current expenditure cuts. While this means that causality runs both ways, the paper provides evidence that, even after controlling for this proxy of fiscal adjustment quality, changes in monetary stance do affect the chances that a fiscal retrenchment plan will be successfully pursued.

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