Technological innovations and thedismantling of trade barriers over the past decade havecontributed to an acceleration of growth in global trade.This acceleration has been associated with faster growth indeveloping countries as a group. However, many of thepoorest countries have not kept pace. This year'sreport focuses on international trade and discusses policiesthat are required if developing countries are to benefitfrom global integration. The report is organized as follows:Chapter 1 examines the prospects for developing countriesand world trade and projects that long-term growth hasimproved and is projected to be higher despite significantvulnerabilities. Chapter 2 analyzes trade policies in the1990s and discusses reductions in barriers to trade, trendsin trade and economic growth, weaknesses in domestictrade-related policies, and trade protection in industrialcountries. Chapter 3 explores the relationships betweenproduct standards and regulatory barriers to trade, laborstandards and trade sanctions, and environmental standardsand trade. Finally, Chapter 4 focuses on electroniccommerce, the digital divide, and its effects onproductivity, international trade, and income distribution,as well as impediments to Internet use, the role ofpolicies, and challenges to regulatory regimes in developing countries.