World Development Report 2012 : Gender Equality and Development
World Bank
World Bank
关键词: economic growth;    economic opportunities;    employment rates;    information and communication technology;    intergenerational mobility;   
DOI  :  10.1596/978-0-8213-8810-5
RP-ID  :  64665
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

The main message of this year'sWorld development report: gender equality and development isthat these patterns of progress and persistence in genderequality matter, both for development outcomes and policymaking. They matter because gender equality is a coredevelopment objective in its own right. But greater genderequality is also smart economics, enhancing productivity andimproving other development outcomes, including prospectsfor the next generation and for the quality of societalpolicies and institutions. Economic development is notenough to shrink all gender disparities-corrective policiesthat focus on persisting gender gaps are essential. Thisreport points to four priority areas for policy goingforward. First, reducing gender gaps in humancapital-specifically those that address female mortality andeducation. Second, closing gender gaps in access to economicopportunities, earnings, and productivity. Third, shrinkinggender differences in voice and agency within society.Fourth, limiting the reproduction of gender inequalityacross generations. These are all areas where higher incomesby themselves do little to reduce gender gaps, but focusedpolicies can have a real impact. Gender equality is at theheart of development. It's the right developmentobjective, and it's smart economic policy. The Worlddevelopment report 2012 can help both countries andinternational partners think through and integrate a focuson gender equality into development policy making and programming.

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