This report provides an assessment ofdamages and needs resulting from the earthquake that struckIndia on the 8m of October 2005. It provides a preliminaryestimate of the total cost of damage identifies the needsfor reconstruction and discusses strategies and guidingprinciples for the implementation for a program ofreconstruction, the whole based on a need to mitigate futureimpact of natural disasters through the strengthening ofdisaster risk management. The report was prepared inresponse to the Government of India (Department of EconomicAffairs) and was undertaken by the United Nations, WorldBank and the Asian Development Bank. A team of experts drawnfrom the three institutions visited the worst affected areasof Jammu and Kashmir to undertake the assessment. Theassessment mission comprised experts and specialists drawnfrom all relevant disciplines so as to be able to prepare amulti-sectoral report of damage, loss, recovery andreconstruction options, as comprehensive as possible giventhe very limited amount of time able to conduct fieldvisits. The assessment team expresses its appreciation toall authorities for their support and assistance in terms ofaccess to information and availability for discussion.Particular thanks are expressed to the DivisionalCommissioner and his team for facilitating logistics andsecurity during our stay in Srinagar and for transportationto the affected areas, as well as to District Commissionersand their teams at a local level for providing informationand support during the visits themselves. The findings ofthe assessment, conducted between December 15th and 2200 arepresented in this report. They analysis of the team is basedon discussions with all relevant authorities and the limitedvisits to the worst-affected areas as well as analysis offigures provided by authorities on key pre-earthquake data.Given that not all information is even to date available tothe assessment team members, and the limited amount of timepresent in the affected areas themselves, the figures fordamage and needs are to be considered as the best estimate possible.