A growing number of developingcountry governments are interested in using public-privatepartnerships (PPPs) to provide public infrastructure assetsand services. The PPP reference guide seeks to provideadvice on what PPP practitioners should know, rather thanprovide advice on what to do. The guide sets out the maintopics, looks at the key issues that must be addressed, andprovides what one consider the most important referencesthat PPP practitioners can turn to for answers and toenhance one knowledge and understanding. It is structuredinto separate sections that focus on three main areas,firstly what are PPPs, when may they be used and theadvantages and disadvantages relative to public provision;secondly the policy, legal, and institutional frameworksthat should be put into place to help improve effectiveness;and finally the ways in which PPP projects can be developedand implemented. It introduces key topics on PPP, sets outoptions, and directs readers to examples, and key referenceswhere one can find out more. This guide provides newresources and updated examples.