Tunisia in a Changing Climate : Assessment and Actions for Increased Resilience and Development
Verner, Dorte
Washington, DC:World Bank
关键词: Climate change;    Adaptation;    sustainable development;    Public sector management;    Water scarcity;   
DOI  :  10.1596/978-0-8213-9857-9
RP-ID  :  76186
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

This report assesses climate risks andopportunities and proposes actions. It provides a synthesisof evidence of climate variability and change, impacts, anduncertainties associated with climate change that may affectTunisia s water, land, agriculture, and coastal zones. Thereport then provides a detailed analysis of the potentialimpacts of climate change on food security and grossdomestic product (GDP) as well as on local populationslooking in particular at seven governorates. The report goeson to discuss possible policy options for reducing humanvulnerability and for better adapting to climate variabilityand change. The report provides guidance to policy makers inTunisia in three ways. First, it provides a Framework forAction on Climate Change Adaptation, represented by anadaptation pyramid. Second, it puts forward a typology ofpolicy approaches that are relevant to the region in orderto facilitate the formulation of effective policy responsesby decision makers. Finally, a matrix is provided, whichoutlines key policy recommendations. Actions align with theWorld Bank s 2012 Interim Strategy Note (ISN) for Tunisia,which guides the World Bank investments in Tunisia over thenext two years and is focused on three main areas ofintervention: (1) sustainable growth and job creation, (2)the promotion of social and economic inclusion by improvingaccess to basic services for underserved communities andimproving the efficiency of social safety net programs, and(3) strengthening governance through improved access topublic information as the basis for increased socialaccountability and transparency.

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