The government of Argentina and theWorld Bank desire to improve the efficiency and results ofthe environmental and social outcomes of jointly financeddevelopment projects. As part of a workshop in November 2010attended by officials of the Ministry of Economy and PublicFinance of Argentina, World Bank staff, and representativesof implementing units of projects being co-financed by theBank, several issues with regard to the implementation ofthe World Bank safeguard policies and the existing Argentineenvironmental and social management regulatory frameworkswere identified. The workshop agreed to conduct a technicalstudy of the regulatory consistency between the Banksafeguard policies and Argentina s environmental and sociallegislation to serve as a vehicle for dialogue between theBank and the government of Argentina in order to strengthenjoint strategies that address environmental and socialissues in development projects. The technical study involvedthe following (and the corresponding report section):comparison between the principles of eight of the World Banksafeguard Operational Policies (OPs) and the national andprovincial regulatory frameworks in force, using theframework for equivalence analysis contained in Bank OP 4.02as a guideline for the assessment (section two);identification of some representative key issues or lessonslearned related to the operational principles of Banksafeguard policies in Argentine projects based on theexperience of the Argentine implementing units and the Bank(section three); development of strategies to move forwardmore effectively and efficiently in Bank-financed projectsin Argentina related to environmental and social managementand more broadly to non-Bank-financed projects and alsoprojects in other countries (section four); synthesis orconclusions on opportunities to promote more effective andefficient environmental and social management in developmentprojects (section five).