Climate change will have its largestimpacts on developing countries, with poor populationsparticularly hard hit and unable to adequately adapt. Thereis an opportunity for developing countries to pursue acomplementary approach, emphasizing building up thecapabilities of local firms to participate in the businessopportunities surrounding climate change. Climate changetherefore represents an opportunity for developing countriesto build local green industries that can drive sustainableeconomic growth and provide environmental benefits. Thisreport offers insight to policy makers and otherstakeholders seeking to develop competitive green industriesin developing countries. It provides an overview andestimate of the market opportunity for climate and cleantechnology business in developing countries over the comingdecade. It identifies which aspects of these markets aremost accessible to local firms and to small and mediumenterprises (SMEs) in particular. Using a newly gathered setof firm data, it identifies which parts of the value chainare already being targeted by local industry. Finally, itprovides a set of actions that can be considered forcountries that intend to build up local green industries.