The report consists of two volumes. Thefirst volume contains the main Poverty Assessment report,integrating various data sources and inputs from localcounterparts. The second volume provides an in-depthanalysis of the Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS),jointly implemented by the Bank, and the Republika SrpskaStatistical Institute (RSIS), the Federation of Bosnia andHerzegovina Statistical Institute (FIS), and the Bosnia andHerzegovina State Agency for Statistics (BHAS). This reportpresents the most comprehensive analysis of poverty inBosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) to date, whose calculations suggestthat poverty - defined as lack of adequate consumption - isquite substantial, affecting every fifth citizen. Poverty issubstantial compared to some neighboring countries.Nevertheless, and despite the country's post-conflictsituation and its low officially measured level of GDP,there is no extreme poverty. Inequality in materialwell-being also appears to be quite moderate byinternational standards and, the non-income dimensions ofpoverty are also generally not extreme in BiH. The analysisfinds that a sizable proportion of the population faces therisk of falling into poverty, and it identifies risk factorsthat may thrust a non-poor household into poverty: a)precarious earning sources, because the predominant livingarrangement features a single-earner household; b)widespread health risks, including uninsured financialrisks, and lingering post-conflict risks; c) violation ofhuman rights, discrimination and corruption; d) limitedgeographical mobility; e) limited access to formal safetynets; and, f) worn-out stock of household assets and limitedaccess to credit. Physical security remains an issue,economic security is also a problem, and, powerlessness andvoicelessness impede the capacity of poor people to breakout of a vicious circle of impoverishment. To reducepoverty, selectivity, stability and growth are outlined,particularly focusing on prudent monetary policy, andresponsible fiscal management.