Despite the difficult past five yearperiod, renewed macro-stability is creating a strong basisfor Uganda to rebuild a more resilient economy. The economyis currently recovering and is estimated to have grown at arate of approximately 5.0 percent in FY2013. This improvedstability is creating an enabling environment for theimplementation of long term fiscal and structural policiesthat may facilitate Uganda's achievement of acceleratedgrowth and ultimately of its goal of achieving middle incomestatus. An accelerated rate of economic growth can beachieved through a more rapid diversification of theeconomic base. Uganda has to manage this rapid structuraltransformation appropriately so that sufficient jobs will becreated to provide employment for the young and rapidlygrowing working population and to promote the growth of themost productive sectors to sustain productivity gains andeconomic growth over time. This paper is organized in twoparts as follows: part one gives Uganda's economy; andpart two presents creating more productive employmentopportunities for more of Uganda's citizens.