The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)region has been in many ways successful in increasingagriculture production and competitiveness, as well astackling nutrition. Mainstreaming nutrition considerationsinto agriculture operations can increase the availability ofand access to nutritious food, which can improve thenutrition status of individuals. The challenge is how tobridge the gap that exists in region between being anagriculture powerhouse and yet having to tackle nutritionproblems from the same households that produce the food. Thenew challenge of integrating nutrition and agricultureshould be achievable with political leadership andinter-institutional coordination. This guidance note seeksto bridge some of the important knowledge gaps on how bestto identify, design, implement, monitor, and evaluateagriculture and food security interventions. This notedescribes first the current situation in LAC with respect toagriculture and nutrition, then offers practical guidance totask team leaders (TTLs) regarding the available levers forpositively impacting nutrition outcomes of agricultureprojects, and presents a series of country notes and stepsto be followed in designing nutrition sensitive interventions.