The report reviews the economicdevelopments in 2003-04, and discusses the main reformsimplemented by the government as of March 2003. Since early2003, the government continued to implement both macro, andstructural reforms designed to generate sustainable growth.The economic performance over the past year indicates thatthese efforts have had mixed results. Despite the adoptionof a macroeconomic framework, the government repeatedlyfailed to reach the set fiscal targets. In addition, thegovernment also implemented, and initiated a number ofgrowth oriented, structural reforms designed to, improveparastatal management, restructure the AgriculturalDevelopment and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) and the foodmarkets, improve the tobacco sector, and, alleviate theimpact of HIV/AIDS, in line with the development strategy.In spite of achievements since early 2003, much remains tobe done, namely in maintaining fiscal discipline,implementing the next phase of the reforms in maize,tobacco, and agriculture services, including forthcomingreforms to improve the business, and trade environment.