The present report evaluates the Iranianpension system and proposes a series o f policyinterventions to improve outreach, financing mechanisms,incentives, equity, and management. It has been prepared atthe request o f the Management and Planning Organization.Given data constraints, the analysis concentrates primarilyon the Social Security Organization and the Civil ServantsRetirement Organization, the two main pension funds.Occupational funds and non- contributory regimes aresurveyed only briefly. The need to look more closely atthese schemes in the near future i s emphasized. The reporti s organized in eight sections. Section 1 presents thebackground o f the study. Section 2 provides a generaloverview o f the Iranian pension system. Sections 3 and 4present detailed assessments of the Social SecurityOrganization and the Civil Servants Retirement Organization.Section 5 concentrates on the tax treatment o f retirementsavings. Section 6 proposes a framework for guiding pensionreform, presents a typology o f pension mechanisms, andreviews international experiences. On the basis o f thisframework, Section 7 outlines strategic directions forreforming the Iranian pension system and analyzes thefinancial and fiscal implications. Finally, Section 8discusses the political economy o f pension reform andrecommends necessary steps for the design and implementationo f a successful reform program.