The objective of the mission was toevaluate current government debt management practices inGuinea-Bissau using the Debt Management PerformanceAssessment (DeMPA) tool. The assessment will establish abenchmark for monitoring progress over time and provide ananalytical background for reform programs developed by theauthorities in partnership with their technical andfinancial partners, and providers of technical assistance inthe area of debt management. This report presents thefindings of the mission based on information available as at4 September 2009. Section two explains the DeMPAmethodology. Section three provides the country context forthe evaluation. Section four presents the mission'sdetailed assessment of current debt management practices.Section five concludes and discusses potential next steps.This report has been peer-reviewed by debt managementexperts and World Bank staff, and is being submitted to theauthorities of Guinea-Bissau for their review and commentprior to finalization. The final mission report will betransmitted to the authorities for use and disclosure attheir sole discretion.