This report draws on a comprehensivereview of the literature and on input from policy makers,researchers, and practitioners to address four questions:(1) how is the growing burden of non-communicable diseases(NCDs) and road traffic injuries (RTIs) changing theepidemiology of Sub-Saharan Africa? (2) What determines anddrives this burden, and what are the commonalities withcommunicable diseases? (3) What is the rationale for publicintervention? (4) How could resource-constrained governmentsapproach NCD prevention and treatment and road safety in acomprehensive, effective and efficient way? The data showthat action against NCDs and RTIs in Sub-Saharan Africa isneeded, together with continued efforts to addresscommunicable diseases and maternal and child health as wellas to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Thereport suggests that NCDs and RTIs should not be tackledseparately as a vertical program, nor should they displacecommunicable diseases as priorities. Instead, given resourceconstraints, and some shared determinants, characteristics,and interventions, there is scope for an integrated approachfocusing on functions (prevention, treatment, and care)rather than on disease categories. Examples are cited ofpotential opportunities to integrate and add NCD preventionand treatment into existing services and programs. Proven,cost-effective, prevention interventions are clearly needed,many of which (such as tobacco and alcohol taxes, roadsafety measures, and fuel-efficient ventilated cook-stoves)require action beyond the health sector. These can deliverbroader development benefits in addition to their benefitsfor health. Selective, evidence-based actions to reduce NCDsand RTIs will address the changing disease burden in Africaand achieve a more sustainable improvement in healthoutcomes, more efficient use of resources, and better equityacross patients and populations.