The purpose of this report is to supportthe government of the Arab Republic of Egypt in reviewingthe status of the pre-university education sector; and inidentifying the key challenges it faces as it develops andimplements a strategic plan to enhance its base of humancapital. The key overarching finding, based primarily on theanalyses presented in the second, third and fourth chaptersof this report is that while significant progress has beenmade in providing more educational opportunities to Egyptiancitizens, the quality of that educational experience is lowand unequally distributed, leading to unequal educationaloutcomes. While inputs are important to quality, the authorsalso define quality in terms of specific outcomes thatindicate learning at a level necessary to compete in aglobal marketplace. For instance, international testresults, such as the trends in International Mathematics andScience Study (TIMSS), are taken to be a strong indicator ofeducational outcomes that matter, and quality education isgenerally assumed to impact those outcomes. In addition, itis also clear that Egypt already spends a large share of itspublic and private resources (by international comparison)on education and, therefore, further improvements inequality of quality provision need to be financed to a greatextent through efficiency gains.