This first World Bank for Results reportprovides the Bank's shareholders, partners, andexternal stakeholders with an integrated view of results andperformance in recent years. It serves as a companion to theWorld Bank Corporate Scorecard. Aggregating results thatcountries have achieved with Bank support against thebackdrop of global development results, the report alsoassesses operational and organizational performance at thecorporate level. This report is consistent with theCorporate Scorecard's four-tier structure for reportingon results and performance (Figure 2). It describes howglobal development progress is being measured relative tothe Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other globaldevelopment indicators (Tier I); highlights developmentresults achieved with Bank support (Tier II); provides dataon the effectiveness of Bank operations and services (TierIII); and assesses whether the Bank is functioning andadapting successfully to support countries in achievingresults (Tier IV).