Growth-oriented entrepreneurs,especially those in small countries and those that arehighly innovative, often look to international markets togrow their business. From a development perspective,entrepreneurssuccessful expansion into internationalmarkets can mean revenue growth and job creation at theenterprise level, along with spillover effects intoinnovation, industry competitiveness, and foreign exchangeon a broader economic level. However, entrepreneurs do notalways have the necessary know-how and networks to expandbeyond their national market, nor do they have effectiveresources they can draw upon to gain access to the requiredknowledge and contacts. InfoDev focuses on enabling thegrowth of early-stage enterprises across the developingworld. During 2010 - 2013, infoDev piloted a few approachesto enable international market access for small, relativelyearly-stage, growth-oriented enterprises. In total, about200 enterprises from more than 35 countries participated inthese pilots. The results and lessons from these pilotprojects summarized in this document provide insights forpractitioners who are considering increasing internationalmarket access for early stage entrepreneurs. Recommendationsas to further research in this field are also provided.