In recent times, the Government ofMalawi has undertaken various initiatives to strengthen thecountry's financial accountability framework. Theseinclude the following: A Medium-Term Expenditure Framework(MTEF) introduced progressively since 1995 to develop astrategic approach to budgeting over the medium-term, toimprove resource allocations in accordance with emergingpoverty reduction priorities, and to integrate theinvestment and recurrent sides of the dual budget; A cashbudget system introduced in 1996 as a temporary measure toincrease fiscal discipline and which remains in place as thecentral tool for budget implementation. An IntegratedFinancial Management Information System (IFMIS) projectinitiated in 1996 with the objectives of providing timelyand accurate financial information; providing a standardizedintegrated financial management reporting system for theGovernment of Malawi at various operational levels;providing the Accountant General with a Government-wideupgraded computerized accounting system; and improving andstrengthening financial control; A review of the Finance andAudit Act, which sought to improve the legal and regulatoryframework for financial management in the public sector. Thereview also sought to provide for the independence of theAuditor General; A development of the system of LocalGovernment guided by a comprehensive DecentralizationImplementation Plan, jointly appraised by the Government ofMalawi and the donors in August 2000. In spite of theforegoing, a lot more needed to be done and a number ofprioritized recommendations are highlighted in theDevelopment Action Plan.