More than 200 million people in thedeveloping world were out of work this year. Over 1 billionare hungry, while millions more are confronting the threatthat climate change poses. The United Nations estimates that884 million people don't have safe drinking water andmore than 2.6 billion people lack basic sanitation. Thepopulation of the developing world will expand by a thirdover the next four decades, growth that will strain alreadyweak infrastructure. In this environment, InternationalFinance Corporation (IFC) is innovating to createopportunity where it's needed most. IFC committed arecord $18 billion in fiscal year 2010, $12.7 billion ofwhich was for own account. We invested in 528 projects, an18 percent increase from FY09. Advisory Services portfoliocomprised 736 active projects valued at more than $850million, with annual expenditures totaling $268 million.Countries served by the International DevelopmentAssociation, or IDA, accounted for nearly half ourinvestments 255 projects totaling $4.9 billionand morethan 60 percent of Advisory Services expenditures.Sub-Saharan Africa accounted for 19 percent of ourinvestment commitments and 25 percent of Advisory Servicesexpenditures. The invested a record $1.64 billion in cleanenergy, leveraging $6.8 billion, while climate changerelated projects grew to 15 percent of the value of ourAdvisory Services portfolio. The investments in microfinancerose 10 percent to $400 million, expanding microfinanceportfolio to $1.2 billion.