This book is the most comprehensive accounting everpresented by the International Comparison Program (ICP) ofthe theory and methods underlying the estimation ofpurchasing power parities (PPPs). PPPs reveal the relativesizes of economies by converting their gross domesticproducts and related measurements into a common currency,thereby enabling comparisons based on economic andstatistical theory.By disclosing the theory, concepts, and methods underlyingthe estimates, this book increases the transparency of the ICPprocess. Greater transparency allows researchers, users ofPPPs, and those involved in implementation of the programto better understand the strengths, limitations, andassumptions underlying its book also provides aforward-looking view of methodological developments withan eye toward improving the quality of future comparisons. The ICP is now the largest and most complex statisticalprogram in the world. In 2005 it included 100 countries andeconomies, working in parallel with the 46 countries in theEurostat-Organisation for Economic Co-operation andDevelopment (OECD) PPP program.Measuring the Real Size of the World Economy was prepared bythe ICP Global Office in the World Bank, with contributionsfrom the leading international experts in the fields ofeconomics and statistics on international comparisons.