Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia is the coldestcapital of the world and remains one of its most polluted.Coal and wood burning for heating are essential for survivalbut contribute about 60 percent of the fine particulate(PM2.5) concentrations in the city. These levels of exposureare very harmful to health and exceed World HealthOrganization (WHO) standards many-fold. The heatingappliances causing the pollution are both traditional stovesthat have been used for generations and, increasingly, coalfired stove furnaces used by wealthier households. Theoverwhelming majority of households in the ger areas(informal settlements surrounding the city), however, arepoor, and the population continues to grow as job prospectsin Ulaanbaatar attract more migrants. The World Bankestimates that a reduction of 80 percent of emissions fromger area heating could achieve a 48 percent reduction inpopulation weighted exposure to PM2.5. To achieve this, poorhouseholds need to be convinced to permanently switch toless polluting heating solutions, an effort that willrequire a multi-year, coordinated set of policies andprograms. This study takes stock of recent developments andprovides market information on affordability, attitudes,fuel consumption, and other market information for stovesand fuels inside and outside Ulaanbaatar. It providesinsights for solutions to the important challenges thatremain to achieve a sustainable market transformation tolow-emission stoves.