One objective of this paper is toprovide information and tools for policy makers anddevelopment partners engaged in developing arrangements fortransferring REDD plus benefits. This paper is also intendedto help key stakeholders design a mechanism that isappropriate for a country's context. Another objectiveis to provide information and tools for assessing andstructuring benefit sharing mechanisms at national and subnational levels (e.g., at the local government or projectlevel) and at local community levels. This paper, however,does not address benefit sharing within communities, becausethis would depend on local circumstances. This paperincludes an options assessment framework that will help REDDplus stakeholders identify nationally appropriate REDD plusbenefit sharing mechanisms, and offers guidance on measuresneeded to successfully design and implement a selectedmechanism. This paper is based on a quick review of 12existing forest benefit sharing mechanisms representing aspectrum of approaches. From the 12, five were selected andexamined in detail using information from key informants andavailable materials. This paper is divided into threesections to provide the reader with an introduction toforest sector benefit sharing mechanisms and their relevancefor REDD plus; guidance on establishing benefit sharingmechanisms; and options assessment frameworks for four REDDplus benefit sharing mechanism categories.