The objective of this study was to advance the process of prioritizing water storage investments thatcould reduce water stress in economically important areas. The specific objectives of the study were to(i) outline a comprehensive framework for screening of potential storage sites; (ii) identify importantwater stressed areas through an updated water balance; (iii) assess alternative multipurpose water storageprojects through physical, hydrological and economic criteria; and (iv) analyze institutional and financingaspects of water resources development in Kenya to identify capacity and knowledge inadequacies. Thestudy focused on identifying viable surface water storage projects to increase water supply reliability andmitigate the effects of common multi-year droughts. No new estimates of groundwater resources weremade, though they were considered in quantifying overall water availability. The scope of the study waslimited to an initial screening of infrastructure options that will increase the reliability of water supply.The state of water service delivery was not assessed as it was outside the scope of this study.